Denisovan Ancestry in East Eurasian and Native American Populations

23 September 2013

Mary Leakey may have found oldest known artwork at Olduvai Gorge, FLK North, Upper Bed 1, 1.75 to 1.76 million years old, studies to continue through 2015

"The FLK North Pecked Cobble"
Mary Leakey find, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

"Harrod, J. (2013). Symbolic behavior (palaeoart) at two million years ago: The Olduvai Gorge FLK North Pecked Cobble: The earliest artwork in human evolution. Session: Archaeology and the science of rock art. IFRAO International Rock Art Congress 2013, Albuquerque, NM, USA. IFRAO presentation is 16 slides extracted from this 39 slide pdf in turn extracted from a 110 slide version work-in-progress. This 39 slide version focuses on Homo habilis capacity for perceiving and applying design principles into tools and palaeoart; the full version contains hypothetical reconstructions of Homo habilis neural substrates for numerosity and the act of making markings on an art medium."

"A line is a dot that went for a walk" - Paul Klee

Mary Leakey working at Olduvai Gorge, early 1970's.

UPDATE 9/24/2013: Researchers including J. Harrod are setting aside figuration aspects of this stone until it can be examined in-person by a team of experts to assess it completely for artificial modification. This work may be completed in Tanzania in 2014 or 2015. Mary Leakey's early observations are still relevant to the investigation.


1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Researchers are setting aside figuration aspects of this stone until it can be examined in-person by a team of experts to assess areas for artificial modification. This work may be completed in Tanzania in 2014 or 2015. Mary Leakey's early observations are still relevant to the investigation.
