Chris Schram collection, Westminster Colorado, interpreted as a mammoth figure
This artifact has about 10 "tally marks" or parallel groove markings across its side. The stroke marks may indicate more meaning given to this object than its possible function as a scraper tool or the like. The stroke marks are comparable to the marks seen on the mammoth tusk carving of two reindeer at bottom. The marks help confirm the interpretation of a mammoth figure here.
The France carved reindeer sculpture and the Colorado mammoth figure may be exhibiting a symbolic marking scheme which was made in a broad tradition which spanned from North America into Western Europe.
Interesting comparison I would say. Now that I see this, I shall check my collection for any markings of such. If so, that may be exactly it. I live next to cherry creek in the Denver area, and find wood like this all over, so I'll be on the look out.