Denisovan Ancestry in East Eurasian and Native American Populations

06 February 2012

Artist and rock collector discovers pierre figures near Prescott, Arizona

"Jean-Paul" (click photo to expand)
Discoveries made by N. Clark, Prescott, Arizona

N. Clark writes to "Two years ago, I started to find rocks with carvings of animals, showed them to family and friends and to the local archaic rock expert. Same response. All nature made. Until I showed them to this friend who saw what I saw. I do not have any archeological background. I just like rocks, appreciate beauty, creativity. I am looking at them with an artist's eye. I have been totally amazed by all the things I have seen and have been thinking: This is a BIG puzzle! (Nothing in the specialty books around here could give me a clue)."

This possible bird head form in left profile view could also be interpreted as incorporating a human facial right profile on the right side in this photo, each creature facing away from each other Janus-like.  This same "human face on back of bird's head" motif may possibly be seen on this duck head found in a West Virginia creek bed by Ken Johnston.  The 3rd photo at the link is best.

These Arizona finds are "in accordance" with Paleolithic pierres figures, or figure stones, identified from the "old world."  Often artists and others with keen eyes will bring rock objects they have found to the attention of archaeologists because their common sense tells them the objects have been humanly worked into "crude" tools or intended images.  These laypersons have not been prejudiced by formal archaeological training which is narrow and dogmatic in nature.  Even though these amateurs will explain the objects come from a concentrated area which makes co-incidence seem statistically unlikely to their intuition, archaelogists don't seem to understand the significance of this observation. Ken Johnston details the too-often outcome of such evaluations by "experts" who unfortunately are not really capable of such evaluations and could be missing the boat on old art in the Americas.  N. Clark may be finding indications of a human presence in her locale of Arizona much earlier than mainstream archaeology can admit at this time.  Sometimes, such objects are better evaluated by petrologists or geologists who are able to distinguish artificiality from natural forces capably.

Here is a blog established by N. Clark to share more of her finds.

American anthropology must begin to formally, rigerously, evaluate anomalous finds in a scientific manner or they risk losing credibility with their public constituency by lazily explaining all of them away as "lusus naturae."


1 comment:

  1. I agree with her,I have been finding and collecting stone art for along time. Searched for some clue on information about it, nothing till I found portable rock art.Thanks
